All Recipes Cooking with Kids Pancakes, Pikelets, Crepes, Waffles



2 mixing bowls
measuring cups and spoons
wooden spoon
electric frypan
piece of paper the size of your hand

1 cup flour
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
2 tablespoons oil
1 cup buttermilk*
extra oil
icing sugar

* To make buttermilk stir 1/4 teaspoon vinegar into 1 cup milk.

1. Measure the flour, sugar, soda, baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl. Stir 20 times with a wooden spoon.
2. Break the egg into the other bowl and beat until there is some froth on top.
3. Add the buttermilk and oil to the egg and stir until the mixture is all one colour.
4. Now add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Use the egg-beater to mix them together until the batter is smooth.
5. Ask an adult to pour a little oil into the frypan. Using the piece of paper, spread the oil evenly over the surface of the pan.
6. Ask an adult to turn the heat button to a medium setting.
7. Ask an adult to help you pour 1/8 cup of batter into the hot pan and let it cook for 1 minute.
8. After 1 minute ask an adult to help you use the eggslice to turn the pancake over. Let it cook for another minute. The pancake should be golden brown on both sides.
9. Use the eggslice to place the pancake on a plate.
10. Spread the pancake with butter and top with golden syrup, maple syrup, jam, honey or icing sugar.
11. Make as many pancakes as you can, until the batter is gone.
12. If you like, you can ask an adult to put the pancakes on a tray in a warm oven. Share them with your family or friends.

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